Other Writing
Stories and Essays
In addition to her crime fiction, Mary Anna writes creative nonfiction and literary fiction. Many of those stories and essays can be read for free online, so here are a few links for you.
“Destruction, Again,” Flyway
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“Curvature and Tilt,” Barely South Review
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“An Experimental Study: Cleaving the Bond Between a Physicist and an Engineering School Dropout,” decomP Magazine
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“The Calculus of a Pea,” Spartan
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Articles and Interviews
Mary Anna often writes articles on science, the environment, popular culture, and crime fiction. Some of these works have been cited by publications and think tanks including Yale Law Journal, Columbia Human Rights Law Review, CityLab, and the Urban League. Others have been syndicated in newspapers from the Seattle Times to the Dallas Morning News to the Miami Herald to USA Today.
Here are links to some of those pieces, as well as links to broadcast and internet interviews.